Strong Defense for a Frequently Sued Specialty
Our goal is to provide you with an unparalleled defense, keeping you informed throughout the process. Your active participation allows you more control over your defense with support from the OB-Gyn Risk Alliance.
Healthcare professionals often face an uncertain claims environment. Our strong record of taking a high number of cases to jury verdict (where environments allow) and winning proves our long-term commitment to you. Your Ob-Gyn Risk Alliance coverage program gives you the control to have your good medicine defended and not settled—where allowed by law.
If you are insured through a program without an important patient safety component, you are likely exposing yourself to a higher risk of claims. A claim means losing practice productivity to the legal system. And the attendant mental anguish is, in the words of one physician, “beyond anything I could have imagined; it was incredibly hard on me, my family, and my practice.”
Some physicians view professional liability insurance as a commodity and then find out—when it’s time to defend their good medicine—that it is not. A professional liability insurance policy is the most expensive piece of paper you’ll ever buy. With ProAssurance, your policy carries the commitment to be there when you need it. You cannot, unfortunately, change your purchase decision at the point when you have a claim against you.
So choose the program that provides an unfettered defense—and gives you the control to have your good medicine defended and not settled—where allowed by law. This RPG program, through ProAssurance, provides such a defense.
The vast majority of physicians experience at least one claim during their careers, with most physicians experiencing more than one claim. If payment on a claim is in order, ProAssurance has the financial stability and resources to pay a fair settlement promptly.
We understand the hit to your reputation when your good medicine is not defended. In the great majority of cases, our vigorous defense vindicates your good medicine. Our actions help give you more control over your identity and your defense. In addition, we help you experience less uncertainly throughout the process.
Report a Claim
It is critical that you report incidents and claims promptly. We work with you quickly and accurately to establish the facts surrounding any issue, no matter how large or small.
To report a claim or incident, visit ProAssurance.com or contact a ProAssurance claims representative by phone at 800-282-6242.
The Ob-Gyn Risk Alliance (OBRA)
OBRA is the first medical professional liability insurance program established exclusively for obstetrician-gynecologists. The program is overseen and guided by a team of ob-gyns to ensure the best interests of all members are addressed. You receive specialty-specific coverage, underwriting, pricing, claims handling, and risk management services.